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F.A.Q and Complaint Handling

For all lease installment transactions via transfer, make sure you only make payments to the account number of PT Tifa Finance Tbk as follows:

* Enter your Agreement Number in the news column.

Procedure for Handling Customer Complaints

The procedure for handling customer complaints is carried out through the following stages:

  1. Complaints are received by our Customer Care, received by telephone, fax, letter or email,
  2. Internal handling process is carried out
  3. We will give a final response to the customer either by telephone, letter or email 
  4. Complaints handling time is valid for a maximum of 20 working days.

Customer Care Hotline

  1. +62-21-5200667 , 5252029
  2. +62-21-5229273 , 5262425
  3. customer.care@kdbtifa.co.id

Customer Service Office

PT KDB Tifa Finance Tbk, Gedung Tifa lantai 4,
Jl. Kuningan Barat 26, Jakarta Selatan 12710
or in every branch office and nearest representative*